
Eisele Cunningham

Monday Mornings

The Same As the Fist Time

You left

Not once

But twice

And the same way each time

Without a goodbye

Nobody, Not Really

Who really cares

When I talk

What I feel

What I say

Who wants to take sometime to understand

I would just like if someone healed me with a little empathy

But I can’t find


I’m feeling invisible to the world

As you read this you’re not even thinking of me

Repairing my heart is becoming an increasingly hopeless cause

Maybe this world is not my block

My stoop

My life

My dreams

My anything

Who wants to help


Her and I are estranged


Well he was never here

I’m feeling so alone in a big empty space with


Nobody not really

It wasn’t Enough

You were lost and I found you

You had no food so I fed you

Walls were falling down around

I took you in and wrapped my arms around you

You said you were dying

I thought my kisses brought you some life

I gave you my love and you wasted my time

I gave you everything

But it still wasn’t enough

To make you mine

And I Will Bleed

Do not kiss me with lying lips

Or French kiss me with a sharp tongue

Because when you cut me and I begin to bleed

And I will bleed

I will not stop

Until it drowns you

Tuesday Morning

Tuesday morning

I woke up in the dark

Sometime before that I asked to stay

I wanted to feel

Not feel alone

Tuesday morning

You were gone

It was Tuesday morning

I found out who you really are

The Bigger Person

I’ve come to grips with the fact that

I’m to blame for how you act

I let you stay

I let you leave

And I kept letting you come back

Even though you continually caused this sorrow

I want to be the bigger person but…

I hope you begin to feel as sad as I feel tomorrow

Artificially Sweet

Every kiss came after an apology

Ruining it’s natural sweetness

And if you weren’t apologizing

We sat beside one another silent

I promise

I asked for so little

Because I’d never take advantage of what I thought was your kindness

But you would have rather laid there unbothered collecting bedsores

I would apologize after you kissed me

I’m a sucker for things that are artificially sweet

And it’s ruining me…

If I weren’t begging for your attention

We’d just lie beside one another silently


Reality— I accept it and proceed accordingly.


We sometimes have to make choices that hurt our heart, but calm our soul.

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